
Pre-build binaries

The Python package can be installed with Pypi:

pip install higra

Supported systems:

  • Python 3

  • Linux 64 bits, macOS, Windows 64 bits

Manual build

Higra can be build from source directly with cmake or through a wrapper setuptools script. The latter is especially useful to create wheels (pip installable packages).

Building Higra from source requires:

  • a c++ 14 compiler (tested with GCC, Clang, Visual Studio 2019)

  • cmake

  • Python 3 with Numpy

With cmake

The following commands will download and build Higra from source. The python package will be in the directory build/higra/. Note that the python package must be findable by Python in order to be used (e.g. by setting your PYTHONPATH environment variable).

git clone
mkdir build
cd build

Sometimes, cmake gets confused when several Python versions are installed on the system. You can specify which version to use with -DPython_EXECUTABLE:FILEPATH=/PATH-TO-PYTHON/python, e.g.

cmake -DDO_AUTO_TEST=ON -DHG_USE_TBB=OFF -DPython_EXECUTABLE=/anaconda3/bin/python ../Higra/

Cmake options:

  • USE_SIMD (boolean, default ON): Use SIMD instructions

  • DO_CPP_TEST (boolean, default ON): Build the c++ test suit

  • DO_AUTO_TEST (boolean, default OFF): Execute test suit automatically at the end of the build

  • HG_USE_TBB (boolean, default OFF): Use Intel Threading Building Blocks (TBB)

If HG_USE_TBB is equal to ON, cmake will try to locate TBB automatically. TBB path can however be specified manually with the following parameters:

  • TBB_INCLUDE_DIR (path): path to TBB include (path containing a folder called tbb that contains TBB header files)

  • TBB_LIBRARY (path): path to TBB library (path containing on Unix or tbb.lib on Windows)

With setuptools

The file is a thin wrapper around the cmake script. The following commands will download the library, create a binary wheel and install it with pip.

git clone
cd Higra
python bdist_wheel
cd dist
pip install higra*.whl

In order to activate TBB, one must define the following environment variable before calling

  • HG_USE_TBB (any value): will activate use of TBB

  • TBB_INCLUDE_DIR (optional, path): path to TBB include (path containing a folder called tbb that contains TBB header files)

  • TBB_LIBRARY (optional, path): path to TBB library (path containing on Unix or tbb.lib on Windows)

  • TBB_DLL (mandatory on Windows, filepath): path to TBB DLL