

#include "higra/graph.hpp

The tree class is the fundamental structure of many hierarchical representations of graphs. In Higra, a tree is an undirected acyclic rooted graph (see Graphs), augmented with specific functions matching the usual semantic of trees.

As with any graph in Higra, the vertices of a tree (also called nodes) are represented by positive integers suitable for array indexing. Higra’s trees ensure that vertices are are topologically sorted, i.e. that for any vertices \(v1\) and \(v2\), if \(v2\) is an ancestor of \(v1\), then \(v1\le v2\). Moreover, whenever a tree \(t\) is a hierarchical representation of a graph \((V, E)\), then the leaves of \(t\) are equal to \(V\): i.e. there is a direct mapping between the leaves of the tree and the vertices of the graph represented by this tree.

The base of the tree data structure is the parent array: i.e. an array that indicates for each vertex the index of its parent (for convenience, the root of the tree is its own parent). For example, the following tree (leaves are represented by squares, inner nodes by circles, and vertex indices are indicated inside the nodes):


is represented by the following parent array:




























The tree class has a single constructor that takes a single parameter: the parent array.


1import higra as hg
3# creates the tree shown in the figure above
4g = hg.Tree((7, 7, 8, 8, 8, 9, 9, 11, 10, 10, 11, 11))

Basic functions





positive integer

Number of leaves in the tree



Root node (last node of the parent array)



Parent(s) of the given node(s)


array of vertices

The parent array



True if given node(s) is a leaf, False otherwise


 1# creates the tree shown in the figure above
 2t = hg.Tree((7, 7, 8, 8, 8, 9, 9, 11, 10, 10, 11, 11))
 4t.num_leaves()              # 7
 5t.root()                    # 11
 7t.parent(2)                 # 8
 8t.parent((0, 11, 8))       # array {7, 11, 10}
 9t.parents()                 # array {7, 7, 8, 8, 8, 9, 9, 11, 10, 10, 11, 11}
11t.is_leaf(4)                # True
12t.is_leaf(5)                # False
13t.is_leaf((0, 11, 8))       # array {True, False, False}





leaves_iterator (cpp) leaves (python)

a range of iterators

iterator on the leaves of the tree

ancestors_iterator (cpp) ancestors (python)

a range of iterators (cpp), a list (python)

iterator from a given node to the root of the tree (both included)


a range of iterators

iterator on the nodes of the tree in a topological order


a range of iterators

iterator on the nodes of the tree in a reverse topological order

 1# creates the tree shown in the figure above
 2t = hg.Tree((7, 7, 8, 8, 8, 9, 9, 11, 10, 10, 11, 11))
 4for n in t.leaves():
 5    ... # 0, 1, 2, ..., 6
 7for n in t.ancestors(8):
 8    ... # 8, 10, 11
10for n in t.leaves_to_root_iterator(
11        include_leaves = True, # optional: include (default) or exclude leaves from the iterator
12        include_root = True): # optional: include (default) or exclude root from the iterator
13    ... // 0, 1, 2, ..., 11
15for n in t.leaves_to_root_iterator(
16        include_leaves = False,
17        include_root = False):
18    ... // 7, 8, 9, 10
20for n in t.root_to_leaves_iterator(
21        include_leaves = True, # optional: include (default) or exclude leaves from the iterator
22        include_root = True): # optional: include (default) or exclude root from the iterator
23    ... // 11, 10, 9, ..., 0
25for n in t.root_to_leaves_iterator(
26        include_leaves = False,
27        include_root = False):
28    ... // 10, 9, 8, 7

Children relation


In C++ the children relation is only available on request: one must call the function compute_children prior to calling any of the following functions (otherwise the behaviour is undefined). Computing the children relation is a linear time operation that will require in the order of \(n + 3m\) words of memory where \(n\) is the number of nodes in the tree and \(m\) is the number of non-leaf nodes (1 word is equal to 64bits on a x64 platform).

The children relation can be cleared to save space with the function clear_children and the status of the relation can be checked with the function children_computed.

In Python the relation is automatically computed when needed, the relation can be cleared with the function clear_children.





positive integer

Number(s) of children of the given node(s)



i-th child of the given node(s)

children_iterator (cpp) children (python)

a range of iterators (cpp), a list (python)

iterator on the children of the given node

compute_children (cpp only)

initialize the children relation (can be called several time safely)

children_computed (cpp only)

true if the children relation has already been computed


free up the space used to store the children relation

 1# creates the tree shown in the figure above
 2t = hg.Tree((7, 7, 8, 8, 8, 9, 9, 11, 10, 10, 11, 11))
 4t.num_children(8)           # 3
 5t.num_children((0, 11, 8))  # array {0, 2, 3}
 7t.child(1, 11)              # 10
 8t.child(0, (8, 11, 7))      # array {2, 7, 0}
10for n in t.children(8):
11    ... # 2, 3, 4

Finding nodes

Common operations requires to find internal nodes corresponding to particular leaves of the tree. Higra tree offers two helper methods for this:

  • lowest_common_ancestor finds the lowest common ancestor between two nodes n_1 and n_2, i.e. the smallest node of the tree that contains both n_1 and n_2; and

  • find_regions finds the highest node containing a node n_1 and whose altitude is strictly lower than a given value.

Both functions can operate on scalars or arrays. Both functions have a linear time complexity.

In case of lower common ancestor the helper class lca_fast/LCAFast (cpp/python) can provide a constant query time in exchange of a linearithmic time pre-processing.





node index

lowest common ancestor(s) of the given pair(s) of nodes


node index

highest region(s) containing the given node(s) whose altitude if lower than the given altitude(s)

1    # tree node altitudes
2    altitudes = numpy.asarray((0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 4, 5))
4    lca = t.lowest_common_ancestor(2, 5)                    # 10
5    lcas = t.lowest_common_ancestor((2, 8, 0), (5, 6, 11))  # (10, 10, 11)
7    // vertices and altitudes
8    auto r = t.find_region((2, 8, 0), (1, 6, 2), altitudes) # (2, 11, 7)


Tree accumulators enables to efficiently accumulates values from the children of a node and move the accumulated value to this node. They are especially important for writing efficient algorithms in Python by avoiding to use the tree iterators in many common scenarii. Using them in C++ can also be beneficial as they are written to natively and efficiently handle n-dimensional data.

Each tree accumulator function has an accumulator parameter. Currently, the following accumulators are defined:

  • mean : computes the average of the provided value (default value: 0)

  • minimum : computes the minimum of the provided value (default value: maximal representable value for the specific data type)

  • maximum : computes the maximum of the provided value (default value: minimal representable value for the specific data type)

  • counter : computes the number of provided value (default value: 0)

  • sum : computes the sum of the provided value (default value: 0)

  • prod : computes the product of the provided value (default value: 1)

Default values and results of the accumulators have the same shape/dimension of the input values, except for the counter accumulator which is always a scalar integer.

Accumulators are wrapped into factories in C++ while the Python interface only exposes an enumeration (real accumulator types are currently not exported in Python).

1acc = hg.Accumulators.sum

Parallel accumulator

The parallel accumulator defines the new value of a node as the accumulation of the values of its children. This process is done in parallel on the whole tree.

The parallel accumulator pseudo-code could be:

 1# input: a tree t
 2# input: an attribute att on the nodes of t
 3# input: an accumulator acc
 5output = empty_like(input)
 7for each node n of t:
 8    output[n] = acc(input[t.children(n)])
10return output

The following example demonstrates the application of a parallel sum accumulator on a simple tree:

1# tree in the above example
2t = hg.Tree((5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7))
3input = numpy.ones((t.num_vertices(),))
5result = hg.accumulate_parallel(t, input, hg.Accumulators.sum)
7# result = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 3, 2)

Sequential accumulator

The sequential accumulator defines the new value of a node as the accumulation of the accumulated values of its children. This process is thus done sequentially from the leaves to the root of the tree.

The sequential accumulator pseudo-code could be:

 1# input: a tree t
 2# input: an attribute att on the leaves of t
 3# input: an accumulator acc
 5output = empty(t.num_vertices())
 6output[0:t.num_leaves()] = input
 8for each non-leaf node n of t from the leaves to the root:
 9    output[n] = acc(output[t.children(n)])
11return output

The following example demonstrates the application of a sequential sum accumulator on a simple tree:

1# tree in the above example
2t = hg.Tree((5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7))
3input = numpy.ones((t.num_leaves(),))
5result = hg.accumulate_sequential(t, input, hg.Accumulators.sum)
7# result = (1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5)

Sequential and combine accumulator

The sequential and combine accumulator defines the new value of a node as the accumulation of the accumulated values of its children combined with another node dependent value. This process is thus done sequentially from the leaves to the root of the tree.

The sequential accumulator pseudo-code could be:

 1# input: a tree t
 2# input: an attribute att1 on the leaves of t
 3# input: an attribute att2 on the nodes of t
 4# input: an accumulator acc
 5# input: a function combine
 7output = empty(t.num_vertices())
 8output[0:t.num_leaves()] = att1
10for each non-leaf node n of t from the leaves to the root:
11    output[n] = combine(acc(output[t.children(n)]), att2[n])
13return output

The following example demonstrates the application of sequential max accumulator with a sum combiner on a simple tree:

1# tree in the above example
2t = hg.Tree((5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7))
3leaf_attribute = numpy.ones((t.num_leaves(),))
4tree_attribute = numpy.ones((t.num_vertices(),))
6result = hg.accumulate_and_add_sequential(t, tree_attribute, leaf_attribute, hg.Accumulators.max)
8# result = (1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3)

Note that currently, to ease the binding of this accumulator to Python, the combining function cannot be specified at runtime and the library offers several statically bound functions:

  • accumulate_and_add_sequential

  • accumulate_and_sum_sequential

  • accumulate_and_multiply_sequential

  • accumulate_and_min_sequential

  • accumulate_and_max_sequential


A propagator efficiently move values from a node to its children (it can be seen as the inverse of the accumulators). They are especially important for writing efficient algorithms in Python by avoiding to use the tree iterators in many common scenarii. Using them in C++ can also be beneficial as they are written to natively and efficiently handle n-dimensional data.

Conditional parallel propagator

The conditional parallel propagator defines the new value of a node as its parent value if the condition is true and keeps its value otherwise. This process is done in parallel on the whole tree. The default condition (if the user does not provide one) is true for all nodes: each node takes the value of its parent.

The conditional parallel propagator pseudo-code could be:

 1# input: a tree t
 2# input: an attribute att on the nodes of t
 3# input: a condition cond on the nodes of t
 5output = copy(input)
 7for each node n of t:
 8    if(cond(n)):
 9        output[n] = input[t.parent(n)]
11return output

The following example demonstrates the application of a conditional parallel propagation:

1# tree in the above example
2t = hg.Tree((5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7))
3input = numpy.asarray((1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8))
4condition = numpy.asarray((True, False, True, False, True, True, False, False))
6result = hg.propagate_parallel(t, input, condition)
8# result = (6, 2, 7, 4, 7, 8, 7, 8)

Conditional sequential propagator

The conditional sequential propagator defines the new value of a node as its parent propagated value if the condition is true and keeps its value otherwise. This process is thus done from the root to the leaves of the tree. The new root value is always equal to its current value: the condition on the root is ignored.

The conditional sequential propagator pseudo-code could be:

 1# input: a tree t
 2# input: an attribute att on the nodes of t
 3# input: a condition cond on the nodes of t
 5output = copy(input)
 7for each node n of t from the root (excluded) to the leaves:
 8    if(cond[n]):
 9        output[n] = output[t.parent(n)]
11return output

The following example demonstrates the application of a conditional sequential propagation:

1# tree in the above example
2t = hg.Tree((5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7))
3input = numpy.asarray((1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8))
4condition = numpy.asarray((True, False, True, False, True, True, False, False))
6result = hg.propagate_sequential(t, input, condition)
8# result = (8, 2, 7, 4, 7, 8, 7, 8)

Sequential propagate and accumulate

The sequential propagate and accumulate defines the new value of a node as its parent value accumulated with its current value. This process is done from the root to the leaves of the tree.

The propagate and accumulate pseudo-code could be:

 1# input: a tree t
 2# input: an attribute att on the nodes of t
 3# input: an accumulator acc
 5output[t.root] = acc(input[t.root])
 7for each node n of t from the root (excluded) to the leaves:
 8    output[n] = acc(output[t.parent(n)], input[n])
10return output

The following example demonstrates the application of a propagate and accumulate with a sum accumulator:

1# tree in the above example
2t = hg.Tree((5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7))
3input = numpy.asarray((1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8))
5result = hg.propagate_sequential_and_accumulate(t, input, hg.Accumulators.sum)
7# result = (15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 14, 15, 8)

Conditional sequential propagate and accumulate

The conditional sequential propagate and accumulate defines the new value of a node \(n\) as

  • if the condition is true on \(n\), the accumulation of the node current value and, if the node has a parent, of its parent value; and

  • its current value otherwise

This process is done from the root to the leaves of the tree.

The conditional propagate and accumulate pseudo-code could be:

 1# input: a tree t
 2# input: an attribute att on the nodes of t
 3# input: a condition cond on the nodes of t
 4# input: an accumulator acc
 6output[t.root] = acc(input[t.root]) if cond[t.root()] else input[t.root]
 8for each node n of t from the root (excluded) to the leaves:
 9    if(cond[n]):
10        output[n] = acc(output[t.parent(n)], input[n])
11    else:
12        output[n] = input[n]
14return output

The following example demonstrates the application of a conditional propagate and accumulate with a sum accumulator:

1# tree in the above example
2t = hg.Tree((5, 5, 6, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7))
3input = numpy.asarray((1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8))
4condition = numpy.asarray((True, False, True, False, True, True, False, False))
6result = hg.propagate_sequential_and_accumulate(t, input, hg.Accumulators.sum, condition)
8# result = (15, 2, 10, 4, 12, 14, 7, 8)