Source code for higra.data_cache

# Copyright ESIEE Paris (2018)                                             #
#                                                                          #
# Contributor(s) : Benjamin Perret                                         #
#                                                                          #
# Distributed under the terms of the CECILL-B License.                     #
#                                                                          #
# The full license is in the file LICENSE, distributed with this software. #

import weakref
import functools
import sys
import inspect
import higra as hg

#                                                         #
#                   DATA CACHE CLASS                      #
#                                                         #

class _WeakKeyDictionaryIterator:

    def __init__(self, wkd):
        self.wkd = wkd
        self.wkd_iter = iter(wkd._data)

    def __iter__(self):
        return self

    def __next__(self):
        k = self.wkd_iter.__next__()
        ref, value = self.wkd._data[k]
        return ref(), value

class WeakKeyDictionary:
    Useful weak key dictionary (compared to the one provided by python...)

    Uses solely object id as key.

    def __init__(self):
        self._data = {}

    def __get__(self, obj, owner):
        _, val = self._data[id(obj)]
        return val

    def __set__(self, obj, value):
        key = id(obj)
            ref, _ = self._data[key]
        except KeyError:
            def on_destroy(_):
                    del self._data[key]

            ref = weakref.ref(obj, on_destroy)
        self._data[key] = ref, value

    def __delete__(self, obj):
        del self._data[id(obj)]

    def setdefault(self, obj, default=None):
        If obj is in the dictionary, return its value.
        If not, insert key with a value of default and return default.

        :param default:
        key = id(obj)
            _, val = self._data[key]
            return val
        except KeyError:
            def on_destroy(_):
                    del self._data[key]

            ref = weakref.ref(obj, on_destroy)
            self._data[key] = ref, default
            return default

    def clear(self):

    def __iter__(self):
        return _WeakKeyDictionaryIterator(self)

def _data_cache__init():
    hg.__higra_global_cache = DataCache()

class DataCache:

    def __init__(self):
        self.__data = WeakKeyDictionary()

    def get_data(self, key):
        return self.__data.setdefault(key, {})

    def clear_data(self, key):
        if key in self.__data:
            del self.__data[key]

    def clear_all_data(self):

    def __iter__(self):
        return iter(self.__data)

def __support_dynamic_attributes(obj):
    return hasattr(obj, '__dict__') and isinstance(obj.__dict__, dict)

def __get_attributes(key):
    Get a dictionary associated to the object :attr:`key` to store Higra related attributes.

    If the object support dynamic attributes, this dictionary is stored as a (new) object attribute called
    "__higra_attributes__". Otherwise, the dictionary is stored in a global data store with weak references.
    This last case means that such attributes are not part of the given object and won't be pickled by Python if the
    object is stored.

    :param key: an object
    :return: a dictionary of attributes associated to the given key
    if __support_dynamic_attributes(key):
        data = getattr(key, "__higra_attributes__", None)
        if data is None:
            data = {}
            key.__higra_attributes__ = data
        return data
        return hg.__higra_global_cache.get_data(key)

[docs]def list_attributes(key): """ List all Higra attributes of the object :attr:`key`. See functions :func:`~higra.get_attribute` and :func:`~higra.set_attribute`. :param key: an object :return: a list of strings """ try: data = __get_attributes(key) return list(data.keys()) except TypeError: return ()
[docs]def get_attribute(key, attribute_name): """ Get the Higra attributes named :attr:`attribute_name` of the object :attr:`key`. See functions :func:`~higra.list_attributes` and :func:`~higra.set_attribute`. :param key: an object :param attribute_name: a string :return: the attribute value associated to the given name (``None`` if no such attribute exists) """ try: return __get_attributes(key).get(attribute_name, None) except TypeError: return None
[docs]def set_attribute(key, attribute_name, attribute, insert_dynamic=True): """ Set the Higra attributes named :attr:`attribute_name` of the object :attr:`key` to the value :attr:`attribute`. See functions :func:`~higra.list_attributes` and :func:`~higra.get_attribute`. :param key: an object :param attribute_name: a string :param attribute: a value :param insert_dynamic: if ``True`` and if :attr:`key` supports dynamic attributes, a new object attribute with the given name and values will be added to the given object :return: None """ __get_attributes(key)[attribute_name] = attribute if insert_dynamic and __support_dynamic_attributes(key): setattr(key, attribute_name, attribute)
def get_tags(key): if __support_dynamic_attributes(key): data = getattr(key, "__higra_tags__", None) if data is None: data = set() key.__higra_tags__ = data return data else: return hg.__higra_global_cache.get_data(key).setdefault("__tags__", set()) def add_tag(key, tag): tags = get_tags(key) tags.add(tag) def remove_tag(key, tag): tags = get_tags(key) tags.remove(tag) def has_tag(key, tag): tags = get_tags(key) return tag in tags def clear_attributes(key, *attribute_name): if not attribute_name: hg.__higra_global_cache.clear_data(key) else: obj_cache = hg.__higra_global_cache.get_data(key) for k in obj_cache: del obj_cache[k] def clear_all_attributes(): hg.__higra_global_cache.clear_all_data() ########################################################### # # # UTILITY FOR SIGNATURES # # # ########################################################### def __check_valid_signature(signature): """ Check if function signature contains only positional or keyword arguments :param signature: :return: """ for p in signature.parameters.values(): if p.kind != inspect.Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD: raise Exception("Can only handle simple functions, ie with only position and keyword parameters.") def __transfer_to_kw_arguments(signature, args, kwargs): """ Transfer positional arguments to keyword arguments. ``__check_valid_signature(signature)`` must be True :param signature: :param args: :param kwargs: :return: """ nargs = list(args) for p in signature.parameters.values(): if len(nargs) == 0: break if p.kind == inspect.Parameter.POSITIONAL_OR_KEYWORD: kwargs[] = nargs[0] del nargs[0] return nargs def __add_default_parameter(signature, args, kwargs): """ Add default parameters present in the signature that are not already in :attr:`kwargs` :param signature: :param args: :param kwargs: :return: """ for p in signature.parameters.values(): if not in kwargs and p.default is not p.empty: kwargs[] = p.default ########################################################### # # # AUTO CACHE DECORATOR # # # ###########################################################
[docs]def set_auto_cache_state(boolean): """ Globally activates or deactivates the caching of :func:`~higra.auto_cache` decorated functions. If set to ``True`` (default), an auto cached function will save its results in the object cache of its first argument. Any other call to this function with the same arguments will return the result stored in the cache instead of recomputing a new result (except if this behaviour is locally overridden with the name arguments "force_recompute=True" or "no_cache=True"). If set to ``False``, auto-cached functions will behave as normal function: they won't try to cache results. :See: :func:`~higra.get_auto_cache_state`: get current state of the automatic caching. :param boolean: ``True`` to globally activate caching, ``False`` to deactivate it :return: nothing """ if not isinstance(boolean, type(True)): raise TypeError("Parameter must be a bool.") hg.__auto_caching = boolean
[docs]def get_auto_cache_state(): """ Returns the current state of the caching policy for of :func:`~higra.auto_cache` decorated functions. :See: :func:`~higra.set_auto_cache_state`: modify the state of the automatic caching. :return: True if auto-caching is globally active, False otherwise """ return hg.__auto_caching
# keyword used to store auto cached results in reference object data cache _auto_cache_keyword = "data_auto_cache"
[docs]def clear_auto_cache(*, function=None, reference_object=None, data_cache=None): """ Cleanup the result cache for the specified elements :param function: function or name of a :func:`~higra.auto_cache` decorated function to clear (if ``None`` all functions are cleared) :param reference_object: reference object whose cached data have to be cleared (if ``None`` cache data of all objects are cleared) :param data_cache: data cache to work on (will default to the global Higra cache) :return: nothing """ if data_cache is None: data_cache = hg.__higra_global_cache if function is None: function_name = None else: if isinstance(function, str): function_name = function else: if hasattr(function, "__name__"): function_name = function.__name__ else: raise TypeError("Cannot determine name of " + str(function)) if function_name is None and reference_object is None: for obj, cache in data_cache: if _auto_cache_keyword in cache: del cache[_auto_cache_keyword] elif reference_object is not None and function_name is None: cache = data_cache.get_data(reference_object) if _auto_cache_keyword in cache: del cache[_auto_cache_keyword] elif reference_object is None and function_name is not None: for obj, cache in data_cache: if _auto_cache_keyword in cache: cache = cache[_auto_cache_keyword] if function_name in cache: del cache[function_name] else: cache = data_cache.get_data(reference_object) if _auto_cache_keyword in cache: cache = cache[_auto_cache_keyword] if function_name in cache: del cache[function_name]
def __hash_combine(h1, h2): """ Combine two hash values to create a new hash value :param h1: int :param h2: int :return: int """ h1 = h1 ^ (h2 + 0x9e3779b9 + (h1 << 6) + (h2 >> 2)) return h1 def __has_method(o, m): """ Test if a given object has a given method :param o: object :param m: method name :return: True or False """ mm = getattr(o, m, None) return callable(mm) def __make_key(o): """ Computes a hash of the given object :param o: :return: """ if isinstance(o, int): # because for an int x hash(x) == x which is not very usefull return hash(str(o)) elif isinstance(o, (set, tuple, list)): if len(o) != 0: return functools.reduce(__hash_combine, [__make_key(e) for e in o]) else: return 0x9e3775b2 elif isinstance(o, dict): # not ideal but we use sum to be commutative, i.e. robust to arbitrary ordering of dictionary elements keys = sum([__make_key(k) for k in o.keys()]) values = sum([__make_key(v) for v in o.values()]) return __hash_combine(keys, values) elif __has_method(o, "__hash__"): try: return hash(o) except TypeError: pass return hash(str(id(o))) def __make_hash(*args, **kwargs): return __hash_combine(__make_key(args), __make_key(kwargs))
[docs]def auto_cache(fun): """ Function decorator that provides automatic caching of function results. The basic idea is that two successive calls with the same arguments to an *auto_cache* decorated function will indeed produce a single function call. The second time, the result of the first call will be returned. Auto cache is useful for expensive functions that might be called in unrelated locations (where manual reuse of function result would be difficult). Auto cache can only decorates functions with only positional and named arguments. The first argument of the function must support weak references. :Special parameters: All functions decorated by ``auto-cache`` support the following named arguments: - :attr:`no_cache` (boolean value). If ``True``, auto caching is disabled for this function call: no cached data will be used or stored. - :attr:`force_recompute` (boolean value). If ``True``, no cache result will be used for this function call but the result of the function call will be cached for future use. :Caveats: A function call is identified by a hash of its arguments. This hash is computed in such a way that non hashable objects (except from dictionaries) are indeed identified by their unique object identifier. This means that calling the same auto-cached function with the same mutated arguments can potentially lead to unexpected results. >>> @hg.auto_cache >>> def cached_sum(a): >>> return sum(a) >>> >>> a = numpy.zeros(10) >>> cached_sum(a) 0 >>> a[0] = 1 # mutate a >>> cached_sum(a) # auto cache cannot detect mutation of a and returns the cached result 0 This problem can be solved by using :attr:`no_cache`, :attr:`force_recompute` (see above) or by globally disabling function caching (see :func:`~set_auto_cache_state`). >>> cached_sum(a, no_cache=True) # or force_recompute=True 1 If you are really unlucky, it might also appends that two unrelated set of arguments get the same hash. In such case the auto cache decorator will consider that they are the same. This is however extremely unlikely to happen. :Life Time: The data stored in the cache are associated to the first argument of the function called the *reference object*. All data related to a reference object is cleared when it gets garbage collected. The cache data associated to a particular function or object can be manually cleared with :func:`~higra.clear_auto_cache`. :Global setting: Auto caching can be globally disabled, see: - :func:`~set_auto_cache_state` - :func:`~get_auto_cache_state` :return: """ original_fun = fun while hasattr(original_fun, 'original'): original_fun = original_fun.original signature = inspect.signature(original_fun) __check_valid_signature(signature) @functools.wraps(fun) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): data_name = kwargs.pop("attribute_name", fun.__name__) force_recompute = kwargs.pop("force_recompute", False) data_cache = kwargs.pop("data_cache", hg.__higra_global_cache) no_cache = kwargs.pop("no_cache", False) if no_cache or not hg.__auto_caching: return fun(*args, **kwargs) try: obj = None if len(args) > 0: obj = args[0] elif len(kwargs) > 0: first_param_name = signature.parameters.values().__iter__().__next__().name if first_param_name in kwargs: obj = kwargs[first_param_name] if obj is None: raise TypeError("cannot find first parameter") cache = data_cache.get_data(obj) cache = cache.setdefault(_auto_cache_keyword, {}) cache = cache.setdefault(data_name, {}) args = __transfer_to_kw_arguments(signature, args, kwargs) __add_default_parameter(signature, args, kwargs) if len(args) > 0: import warnings warnings.warn('Auto cache: all positional parameters could not be transformed into ' 'named parameters.') h = __make_hash(*args, **kwargs) if force_recompute or h not in cache: cache[h] = fun(*args, **kwargs) return cache[h] except TypeError as e: # cannot cache obj... return fun(*args, **kwargs) wrapper.original = fun if wrapper.__doc__ is not None: wrapper.__doc__ = wrapper.__doc__ + \ "\n\n **Auto-cache**: This function is decorated with the :func:`~higra.auto_cache` decorator." return wrapper
########################################################### # # # ARGUMENT HELPER DECORATOR # # # ########################################################### def __resolve_concept(arg_name, concept, all_parameters_name, all_data_found, kwargs, data_cache): """ Tries to expand the elements contained in the concept ``concept`` for the data associated to the name ``arg_name``. :param arg_name: name or the data element :param concept: concept type or concept object :param all_parameters_name: name of all known parameters of the function :param all_data_found: dictionary of all found data in the concept resolutions so far :param kwargs: dictionary of all known name arguments so far :param data_cache: :return: """ if not type(concept) is type: # if concept is a concept object, get the associated type and potential name mapping concept_type = type(concept) concept_name_to_arg_name_map = concept.name_mapping else: concept_type = concept concept_name_to_arg_name_map = {} if not issubclass(concept_type, hg.Concept): raise Exception(str(concept_type) + " is not a subclass of the abstract Concept class.") # if arg_name is not associated to any found data, then we can not do anything if arg_name in all_data_found: arg_value = all_data_found[arg_name] concept_elements = concept_type.construct(arg_value, strict=False) for data_element_name, data_element in concept_elements.items(): # tries to map the given element name to a new name or itself if no such mapping exists argument_name = concept_name_to_arg_name_map.get(data_element_name, data_element_name) # if element name is requested by function and not already in kwargs if argument_name in all_parameters_name and (argument_name not in kwargs or kwargs[argument_name] is None): kwargs[argument_name] = data_element # add all found elements to found data all_data_found.update(concept_elements) def argument_helper(*concepts): """ Argument helper decorator helps to unpack :class:`~higra.Concept` data elements. The decorator expresses that a function parameter :attr:`p` is designed as *possibly* satisfying the concept `c`. Then, whenever the function is called, the decorator will check if :attr:`p` satisfies `c`, it will extract all the data elements associated to :attr:`p` for `c`. Let `e` be one of these data element associated to the name `n`, if the function has a parameter called *n* that is either undefined or ``None`` in the current call, then the decorator will inject ``n=e`` as a new keyword parameter in the function call. :param concepts: :return: """ for concept_elem in concepts: try: _, concept = concept_elem except (ValueError, TypeError): # failed to unpack, use first parameter name concept = concept_elem if not (type(concept) is type or issubclass(type(concept), hg.Concept)): raise TypeError("Argument helper can only proceed Concept types or " "object instances deriving of Concept. Invalid element is: " + concept) def decorator(fun): original_fun = fun while hasattr(original_fun, 'original'): original_fun = original_fun.original signature = inspect.signature(original_fun) __check_valid_signature(signature) all_parameters_name = set() for p in signature.parameters.values(): all_parameters_name.add( @functools.wraps(fun) def wrapper(*args, **kwargs): args = __transfer_to_kw_arguments(signature, args, kwargs) data_cache = kwargs.pop("data_cache", hg.__higra_global_cache) all_data_found = dict(kwargs) for concept_elem in concepts: try: arg_name, concept = concept_elem except (ValueError, TypeError): # failed to unpack, use first parameter name concept = concept_elem arg_name = signature.parameters.values().__iter__().__next__().name __resolve_concept(arg_name, concept, all_parameters_name, all_data_found, kwargs, data_cache) if len(args) > 0: import warnings warnings.warn('Argument helper: all positional parameters could not be transformed into ' 'named parameters.') return fun(*args, **kwargs) wrapper.original = fun return wrapper return decorator