Source code for higra.hierarchy.hierarchy_core

# Copyright ESIEE Paris (2018)                                             #
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# Contributor(s) : Benjamin Perret                                         #
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# Distributed under the terms of the CECILL-B License.                     #
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# The full license is in the file LICENSE, distributed with this software. #

import higra as hg
import numpy as np

[docs]def bpt_canonical(graph, edge_weights=None, sorted_edge_indices=None, return_altitudes=True, compute_mst=True): """ Computes the *canonical binary partition tree*, also called *binary partition tree by altitude ordering* or *connectivity constrained single min/linkage clustering* of the given graph. :Definition: The following definition is adapted from: Cousty, Jean, Laurent Najman, Yukiko Kenmochi, and Silvio GuimarĂ£es. `"Hierarchical segmentations with graphs: quasi-flat zones, minimum spanning trees, and saliency maps." <>`_ Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 60, no. 4 (2018): 479-502. Let :math:`G=(V,E)` be an undirected graph, let :math:`\\prec` be a total order on :math:`E`, and let :math:`e_k` be the edge in :math:`E` that has exactly :math:`k` smaller edges according to :math:`\\prec`: we then say that :math:`k` is the rank of :math:`e_k` (for :math:`\\prec`). The *canonical binary partition hierarchy* of :math:`G` for :math:`\\prec` is defined as the sequence of nested partitions: - :math:`P_0 = \{\{v\}, v\in V\}`, the finest partion is composed of every singleton of :math:`V`; and - :math:`P_n = (P_{n-1} \\backslash \{P_{n-1}^x, P_{n-1}^y\}) \cup (P_{n-1}^x \cup P_{n-1}^y)` where :math:`e_n=\{x,y\}` and :math:`P_{n-1}^x` and :math:`P_{n-1}^y` are the regions of :math:`P_{n-1}` that contain :math:`x` and :math:`y` respectively. At the step :math:`n`, we remove the regions at the two extremities of the :math:`n`-th smallest edge and we add their union. Note that we may have :math:`P_n = P_{n-1}` if both extremities of the edge :math:`e_n` were in a same region of :math:`P_{n-1}`. Otherwise, :math:`P_n` is obtained by merging two regions of :math:`P_{n-1}`. The *canonical binary partition tree* is then the tree representing the merging steps in this sequence, it is thus binary. Each merging step, and thus each non leaf node of the tree, is furthermore associated to a specific edge of the graph, called *a building edge* that led to this merge. It can be shown that the set of all building edges associated to a canonical binary partition tree is a minimum spanning tree of the graph for the given edge ordering :math:`\\prec`. The map that associates every non leaf node of the canonical binary partition tree to its building edge is called the *mst_edge_map*. In practice this map is represented by an array of size :math:`tree.num\_vertices() - tree.num\_leaves()` and, for any internal node :math:`i` of the tree, :math:`mst\_edge\_map[i - tree.num\_leaves()]` is equal to the index of the building edge in :math:`G` associated to :math:`i`. The ordering :math:`\\prec` can be specified explicitly by providing the array of indices :attr:`sorted_edge_indices` that sort the edges, or implicitly by providing the array of edge weights :attr:`edge_weights`. In this case, :attr:`sorted_edge_indices` is set equal to ``hg.arg_sort(edge_weights, stable=True)``. If :attr:`edge_weights` is an array with more than 1 dimension, a lexicographic ordering is used. If requested, altitudes associated to the nodes of the canonical binary partition tree are computed as follows: - if :attr:`edge_weights` are provided, the altitude of a non-leaf node is equal to the edge weight of its building edge; and - otherwise, the altitude of a non-leaf node is equal to the rank of its building edge. The altitude of a leaf node is always equal to 0. :Example: .. figure:: /fig/canonical_binary_partition_tree_example.svg :alt: Example of a binary partition tree by altitude ordering :align: center Given an edge weighted graph :math:`G`, the binary partition tree by altitude ordering :math:`T` (in blue) is associated to a minimum spanning tree :math:`S` of :math:`G` (whose edges are thick and gray). Each leaf node of the tree corresponds to a vertex of :math:`G` while each non-leaf node :math:`n_i` of :math:`T` corresponds to a building edge of :math:`T` which belongs to the minimum spanning tree :math:`S`. The association between the non-leaf nodes and the minimum spanning tree edges, called *mst_edge_map*, is depicted by green arrows . The above figure corresponds to the following code (note that vertex indices start at 0 in the code): >>> g = hg.UndirectedGraph(5) >>> g.add_edges((0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3), >>> (1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4)) >>> edge_weights = np.asarray((4, 6, 3, 7, 11, 8, 5)) >>> tree, altitudes = hg.bpt_canonical(g, edge_weights) >>> tree.parents() array([6, 5, 5, 7, 7, 6, 8, 8, 8]) >>> altitudes array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 4, 5, 7]) >>> tree.mst_edge_map array([2, 0, 6, 3]) >>> tree.mst.edge_list() (array([1, 0, 3, 1]), array([2, 1, 4, 3])) An object of type UnidrectedGraph is not necessary: >>> edge_weights = np.asarray((4, 6, 3, 7, 11, 8, 5)) >>> sources = (0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 3) >>> targets = (1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4) >>> tree, altitudes = hg.bpt_canonical((sources, targets, 5), edge_weights) >>> tree.parents() array([6, 5, 5, 7, 7, 6, 8, 8, 8]) >>> altitudes array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 4, 5, 7]) >>> tree.mst_edge_map array([2, 0, 6, 3]) :Complexity: The algorithm used is based on Kruskal's minimum spanning tree algorithm and is described in: Laurent Najman, Jean Cousty, Benjamin Perret. `Playing with Kruskal: Algorithms for Morphological Trees in Edge-Weighted Graphs <>`_. ISMM 2013: 135-146. If :attr:`sorted_edge_indices` is provided the algorithm runs in quasi linear :math:`\mathcal{O}(n \\alpha(n))`, with :math:`n` the number of elements in the graph and with :math`\\alpha` the inverse of the Ackermann function. Otherwise, the computation time is dominated by the sorting of the edge weights which is performed in linearithmic :math:`\mathcal{O}(n \log(n))` time. :param graph: input graph or triplet of two arrays and an integer (sources, targets, num_vertices) defining all the edges of the graph and its number of vertices. :param edge_weights: edge weights of the input graph (may be omitted if :attr:`sorted_edge_indices` is given). :param sorted_edge_indices: array of indices that sort the edges of the input graph by increasing weight (may be omitted if :attr:`edge_weights` is given). :param return_altitudes: if ``True`` an array representing the altitudes of the tree vertices is returned. (default: ``True``). :param compute_mst: if ``True`` and if the input is a graph object computes an explicit undirected graph representing the minimum spanning tree associated to the hierarchy, accessible through the :class:`~higra.CptBinaryHierarchy` Concept (e.g. with ``tree.mst``). (default: ``True``). :return: a tree (Concept :class:`~higra.CptBinaryHierarchy` if the input is a graph object), and, if :attr:`return_altitudes` is ``True``, its node altitudes """ if edge_weights is None and sorted_edge_indices is None: raise ValueError("edge_weights and sorted_edge_indices cannot be both equal to None.") if sorted_edge_indices is None: if edge_weights.ndim > 2: tmp_edge_weights = edge_weights.reshape((edge_weights.shape[0], -1)) else: tmp_edge_weights = edge_weights sorted_edge_indices = hg.arg_sort(tmp_edge_weights, stable=True) input_is_graph_object = False if hg.has_method(graph, "edge_list") and hg.has_method(graph, "num_vertices"): input_is_graph_object = True sources, targets = graph.edge_list() num_vertices = graph.num_vertices() else: try: sources, targets, num_vertices = graph except Exception as e: raise ValueError("Invalid graph input.") from e parents, mst_edge_map = hg.cpp._bpt_canonical(sources, targets, sorted_edge_indices, num_vertices) tree = hg.Tree(parents) if return_altitudes: if edge_weights is None: edge_weights = np.empty_like(sorted_edge_indices) edge_weights[sorted_edge_indices] = np.arange(sorted_edge_indices.size) if edge_weights.ndim == 1: altitudes = np.zeros((tree.num_vertices(),), dtype=edge_weights.dtype) altitudes[num_vertices:] = edge_weights[mst_edge_map] else: shape = [tree.num_vertices()] + list(edge_weights.shape[1:]) altitudes = np.zeros(shape, dtype=edge_weights.dtype) altitudes[num_vertices:, ...] = edge_weights[mst_edge_map, ...] if input_is_graph_object: # if the base graph is itself a mst, we take the base graph of this mst as the new base graph if hg.CptMinimumSpanningTree.validate(graph): leaf_graph = hg.CptMinimumSpanningTree.construct(graph)["base_graph"] else: leaf_graph = graph, leaf_graph) if compute_mst and input_is_graph_object: mst = hg.subgraph(graph, mst_edge_map), leaf_graph, mst_edge_map) else: mst = None, mst_edge_map, mst) if not return_altitudes: return tree else: return tree, altitudes
[docs]def quasi_flat_zone_hierarchy(graph, edge_weights): """ Computes the quasi flat zone hierarchy of the given weighted graph. The nodes of the quasi flat zone hierarchy corresponds to the connected components of all the possible thresholds of the edge weights. :param graph: input graph :param edge_weights: edge weights of the input graph :return: a tree (Concept :class:`~higra.CptHierarchy`) and its node altitudes """ tree, altitudes = hg.cpp._quasi_flat_zone_hierarchy(graph, edge_weights), graph) return tree, altitudes
[docs]def simplify_tree(tree, deleted_vertices, process_leaves=False): """ Creates a copy of the given tree and deletes the vertices :math:`i` of the tree such that :math:`deletedVertices[i]` is ``True``. The returned ``node_map`` is an array that maps any node index :math:`i` of the new tree, to the index of the corresponding node in the original tree. :param tree: input tree :param deleted_vertices: boolean valuation of the input tree nodes :param process_leaves: If ``False``, a leaf vertex :math:`v` will never be removed disregarding the value of :math:`deletedVertices[v]`. If ``True``, leaves node may be removed. Note that in this case, a reordering of the nodes may be necessary, which is a more complex and slower operation. :return: a tree (Concept :class:`~higra.CptHierarchy` if input tree already satisfied this concept) and the node map """ if len(deleted_vertices.shape) != 1 or deleted_vertices.shape[0] != tree.num_vertices(): raise ValueError("Parameter 'deleted_vertices' must an array of shape [tree.num_vertices()].") res = hg.cpp._simplify_tree(tree, deleted_vertices, process_leaves) new_tree = res.tree() node_map = res.node_map() if hg.CptHierarchy.validate(tree): hg.CptHierarchy().link(new_tree, hg.CptHierarchy.get_leaf_graph(tree)) return new_tree, node_map
[docs]@hg.argument_helper(hg.CptHierarchy) def saliency(tree, altitudes, leaf_graph, handle_rag=True): """ The saliency map of the input hierarchy :math:`(tree, altitudes)` for the leaf graph :math:`g` is an array of edge weights :math:`sm` for :math:`g` such that for each pair of adjacent vertices :math:`(i,j)` in :math:`g`, :math:`sm(i,j)` is equal to the ultra-metric distance between :math:`i` and :math:`j` corresponding to the hierarchy. Formally, this is computed using the following property: :math:`sm(i,j) = altitudes(lowest\_common\_ancestor_{tree}(i,j))`. Complexity: :math:`\mathcal{O}(n\log(n) + m)` with :math:`n` the number of vertices in the tree and :math:`m` the number of edges in the graph. :param tree: input tree (Concept :class:`~higra.CptHierarchy`) :param altitudes: altitudes of the vertices of the tree :param leaf_graph: graph whose vertex set is equal to the leaves of the input tree (deduced from :class:`~higra.CptHierarchy`) :param handle_rag: if tree has been constructed on a rag, then saliency values will be propagated to the original graph, hence leading to a saliency on the original graph and not on the rag :return: 1d array of edge weights """ lca_map = hg.attribute_lca_map(tree, leaf_graph=leaf_graph) sm = altitudes[lca_map] if hg.CptRegionAdjacencyGraph.validate(leaf_graph) and handle_rag: sm = hg.rag_back_project_edge_weights(leaf_graph, sm) return sm
[docs]def canonize_hierarchy(tree, altitudes, return_node_map=False): """ Removes consecutive tree nodes with equal altitudes. The new tree is composed of the inner nodes :math:`n` of the input tree such that :math:`altitudes[n] \\neq altitudes[tree.parent(n)]` or :math:`n = tree.root(n)`. For example, applying this function to the result of :func:`~higra.bpt_canonical` on an edge weighted graph is the same as computing the :func:`~higra.quasi_flat_zone_hierarchy` of the same edge weighted graph. If :attr:`return_node_map` is ``True``, an extra array that maps any vertex index :math:`i` of the new tree, to the index of the corresponding vertex in the original tree is returned. :param tree: input tree :param altitudes: altitudes of the vertices of the tree :param return_node_map: if ``True``, also return the node map. :return: a tree (Concept :class:`~higra.CptHierarchy` if input tree already satisfied this concept) its node altitudes, and, if requested, its node map. """ tree, node_map = hg.simplify_tree(tree, altitudes == altitudes[tree.parents()]) new_altitudes = altitudes[node_map] if return_node_map: return tree, new_altitudes, node_map else: return tree, new_altitudes
[docs]def tree_2_binary_tree(tree): """ Transforms a tree into a binary tree. Each non-leaf node of the input tree must have at least 2 children! Whenever a non-leaf node :math:`n` with :math:`k > 2` children is found: - an extra node :math:`m` is created; - the first 2 children of :math:`n` become children of the new node :math:`m`; and - the new node :math:`m` becomes the first child of :math:`n`. The number of children of :math:`n` is thus reduced by 1. This operation is repeated :math:`k-2` times, i.e. until :math:`n` has only 2 children. The returned ``node_map`` is an array that maps any node index :math:`i` of the new tree, to the index of the corresponding node in the original tree. :Complexity: This algorithms runs in linear time :math:`O(tree.num\_vertices())`. :Examples: Compute the watershed hierarchy by area of an edge weighted graph and get the corresponding binary hierarchy. The returned ``node_map`` enables to recover the altitudes of the new hierarchy from the altitudes of the input hierarchy. .. code-block:: python tree, altitudes = watershed_hierarchy_by_area(graph, edge_weights) new_tree, node_map = tree_2_binary_tree(tree) new_altitudes = altitudes[node_map] :param tree: Input tree :return: a tree (Concept :class:`~higra.CptHierarchy` if input tree already satisfied this concept) and the node map """ assert np.all(tree.num_children() >= 2), "Each non-leaf node of the input tree must have at least 2 children!" res = hg.cpp._tree_2_binary_tree(tree) ntree = res.tree() node_map = res.node_map() if hg.CptHierarchy.validate(tree): hg.CptHierarchy().link(ntree, hg.CptHierarchy.get_leaf_graph(tree)) return ntree, node_map