Source code for higra.hierarchy.random_hierarchy

# Copyright ESIEE Paris (2018)                                             #
#                                                                          #
# Contributor(s) : Benjamin Perret                                         #
#                                                                          #
# Distributed under the terms of the CECILL-B License.                     #
#                                                                          #
# The full license is in the file LICENSE, distributed with this software. #

import higra as hg
import numpy as np

[docs]def random_binary_partition_tree(num_leaves, asymmetry_probability): """ Random binary partition tree with a controlled amount of asymmetry/unbalancedness. The tree is grown from the root to the leaves. At each step, the algorithm randomly select one of the *growable* leaf node of the current tree. Two children are added to the selected node; the number of leaf nodes is hence increased by one. Then, - with probability :math:`1-asymmetry\_probability`, both new children are marked as *growable* - with probability :math:`asymmetry\_probability`, only one of the children is marked as *growable* The altitudes of the returned hierarchy are obtained with :func:`~higra.attribute_regular_altitudes`: *The regular altitudes is comprised between 0 and 1 and is inversely proportional to the depth of a node*. A valid minimal connected graph (a tree) is associated to the leaves of the tree. :param num_leaves: expected number of leaves in the generated tree :param asymmetry_probability: real value between 0 and 1. At 0 the tree is perfectly unbalanced, at 1 it is perfectly balanced (if :attr:`num_leaves` is a power of 2) :return: a tree (Concept :class:`~higra.CptBinaryHierarchy`) and its node altitudes """ import random import math assert (0 <= asymmetry_probability <= 1) num_leaves = int(num_leaves) assert (num_leaves > 0) parents = np.zeros((num_leaves * 2 - 1,), dtype=np.int64) n = 1 root = {} leaves = [] leaves.append(root) all_nodes = [root] i = parents.size - 1 root["parent"] = i while n != 2 * num_leaves - 1: ni = random.randint(0, math.floor(asymmetry_probability * (len(leaves) - 1))) node = leaves[ni] del leaves[ni] node["i"] = i node["left"] = {"parent": i} node["right"] = {"parent": i} i -= 1 all_nodes.append(node["left"]) all_nodes.append(node["right"]) n += 2 if random.random() <= asymmetry_probability: if random.random() >= 0.5: leaves.append(node["right"]) else: leaves.append(node["left"]) else: leaves.append(node["left"]) leaves.append(node["right"]) k = 0 for node in all_nodes: if "i" not in node: node["i"] = k k += 1 parents[node["i"]] = node["parent"] tree = hg.Tree(parents) altitudes = hg.attribute_regular_altitudes(tree) def _get_associated_mst(tree, altitudes): """ Create a valid edge mst for the given tree (returns an edge weighted undirected graph) """ nb = tree.num_leaves() link_v = np.arange(nb) link_v = hg.accumulate_sequential(tree, link_v, hg.Accumulators.first) g = hg.UndirectedGraph(nb) edge_weights = np.zeros((nb - 1,), np.float32) for r in tree.leaves_to_root_iterator(include_leaves=False): g.add_edge(link_v[tree.child(0, r)], link_v[tree.child(1, r)]) edge_weights[r - nb] = altitudes[r] return g, edge_weights mst, edge_weights = _get_associated_mst(tree, altitudes) mst_edge_map = np.arange(mst.num_edges()), mst), mst, mst_edge_map), mst_edge_map, mst) return tree, altitudes