Source code for higra.hierarchy.watershed_hierarchy

# Copyright ESIEE Paris (2018)                                             #
#                                                                          #
# Contributor(s) : Benjamin Perret                                         #
#                                                                          #
# Distributed under the terms of the CECILL-B License.                     #
#                                                                          #
# The full license is in the file LICENSE, distributed with this software. #

import higra as hg
import numpy as np

[docs]def watershed_hierarchy_by_area(graph, edge_weights, vertex_area=None, canonize_tree=True): """ Watershed hierarchy by area. The definition of hierarchical watershed follows the one given in: J. Cousty, L. Najman. `Incremental algorithm for hierarchical minimum spanning forests and saliency of watershed cuts <>`_. ISMM 2011: 272-283. The algorithm used is described in: Laurent Najman, Jean Cousty, Benjamin Perret. `Playing with Kruskal: Algorithms for Morphological Trees in Edge-Weighted Graphs <>`_. ISMM 2013: 135-146. :param graph: input graph :param edge_weights: input graph edge weights :param vertex_area: area of the input graph vertices (provided by :func:`~higra.attribute_vertex_area`) :param canonize_tree: if ``True`` (default), the resulting hierarchy is canonized (see function :func:`~higra.canonize_hierarchy`), otherwise the returned hierarchy is a binary tree :return: a tree (Concept :class:`~higra.CptHierarchy` is ``True`` and :class:`~higra.CptBinaryHierarchy` otherwise) and its node altitudes """ if vertex_area is None: vertex_area = hg.attribute_vertex_area(graph) vertex_area = hg.linearize_vertex_weights(vertex_area, graph) return watershed_hierarchy_by_attribute(graph, edge_weights, lambda tree, _: hg.attribute_area(tree, vertex_area, graph), canonize_tree)
[docs]def watershed_hierarchy_by_volume(graph, edge_weights, vertex_area=None, canonize_tree=True): """ Watershed hierarchy by volume. The definition of hierarchical watershed follows the one given in: J. Cousty, L. Najman. `Incremental algorithm for hierarchical minimum spanning forests and saliency of watershed cuts <>`_. ISMM 2011: 272-283. The algorithm used is described in: Laurent Najman, Jean Cousty, Benjamin Perret. `Playing with Kruskal: Algorithms for Morphological Trees in Edge-Weighted Graphs <>`_. ISMM 2013: 135-146. :param graph: input graph :param edge_weights: input graph edge weights :param vertex_area: area of the input graph vertices (provided by :func:`~higra.attribute_vertex_area`) :param canonize_tree: if ``True`` (default), the resulting hierarchy is canonized (see function :func:`~higra.canonize_hierarchy`), otherwise the returned hierarchy is a binary tree :return: a tree (Concept :class:`~higra.CptHierarchy` is ``True`` and :class:`~higra.CptBinaryHierarchy` otherwise) and its node altitudes """ if vertex_area is None: vertex_area = hg.attribute_vertex_area(graph) vertex_area = hg.linearize_vertex_weights(vertex_area, graph) return watershed_hierarchy_by_attribute(graph, edge_weights, lambda tree, altitudes: hg.attribute_volume(tree, altitudes, hg.attribute_area(tree, vertex_area)), canonize_tree)
[docs]def watershed_hierarchy_by_dynamics(graph, edge_weights, canonize_tree=True): """ Watershed hierarchy by dynamics. The definition of hierarchical watershed follows the one given in: J. Cousty, L. Najman. `Incremental algorithm for hierarchical minimum spanning forests and saliency of watershed cuts <>`_. ISMM 2011: 272-283. The algorithm used is described in: Laurent Najman, Jean Cousty, Benjamin Perret. `Playing with Kruskal: Algorithms for Morphological Trees in Edge-Weighted Graphs <>`_. ISMM 2013: 135-146. :param graph: input graph :param edge_weights: input graph edge weights :param canonize_tree: if ``True`` (default), the resulting hierarchy is canonized (see function :func:`~higra.canonize_hierarchy`), otherwise the returned hierarchy is a binary tree :return: a tree (Concept :class:`~higra.CptHierarchy` is ``True`` and :class:`~higra.CptBinaryHierarchy` otherwise) and its node altitudes """ return watershed_hierarchy_by_attribute(graph, edge_weights, lambda tree, altitudes: hg.attribute_dynamics(tree, altitudes, "increasing"), canonize_tree)
[docs]def watershed_hierarchy_by_number_of_parents(graph, edge_weights, canonize_tree=True): """ Watershed hierarchy by number of parents. The definition of *number of parents* was proposed in: B. Perret, J. Cousty, S. J. F. GuimarĂ£es and D. S. Maia, `Evaluation of Hierarchical Watersheds <>`_ , in IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, vol. 27, no. 4, pp. 1676-1688, April 2018. doi: 10.1109/TIP.2017.2779604 The definition of hierarchical watershed follows the one given in: J. Cousty, L. Najman. `Incremental algorithm for hierarchical minimum spanning forests and saliency of watershed cuts <>`_. ISMM 2011: 272-283. The algorithm used is described in: Laurent Najman, Jean Cousty, Benjamin Perret. `Playing with Kruskal: Algorithms for Morphological Trees in Edge-Weighted Graphs <>`_. ISMM 2013: 135-146. :param graph: input graph :param edge_weights: edge weights of the input graph :param canonize_tree: if ``True`` (default), the resulting hierarchy is canonized (see function :func:`~higra.canonize_hierarchy`), otherwise the returned hierarchy is a binary tree :return: a tree (Concept :class:`~higra.CptHierarchy` is ``True`` and :class:`~higra.CptBinaryHierarchy` otherwise) and its node altitudes """ def num_parents(bpt_tree, altitudes): # construct quasi flat zone hierarchy from input bpt tree, node_map = hg.simplify_tree(bpt_tree, altitudes == altitudes[bpt_tree.parents()]) # determine inner nodes of the min tree, i.e. nodes of qfz having at least one node that is not a leaf num_children = tree.num_children(np.arange(tree.num_vertices())) num_children_leaf = np.zeros((tree.num_vertices(),), dtype=np.int64), tree.parents()[:tree.num_leaves()], 1) inner_nodes = num_children != num_children_leaf # go back into bpt space inner_nodes_bpt = np.zeros((bpt_tree.num_vertices(),), dtype=np.int64) inner_nodes_bpt[node_map] = inner_nodes inner_nodes = inner_nodes_bpt # count number of min tree inner nodes in the subtree rooted in the given node res = hg.accumulate_and_add_sequential(bpt_tree, inner_nodes, inner_nodes[:tree.num_leaves()], hg.Accumulators.sum) # add 1 to avoid having a zero measure in a minima res[bpt_tree.num_leaves():] = res[bpt_tree.num_leaves():] + 1 return res return hg.watershed_hierarchy_by_attribute(graph, edge_weights, num_parents, canonize_tree)
[docs]def watershed_hierarchy_by_attribute(graph, edge_weights, attribute_functor, canonize_tree=True): """ Watershed hierarchy by a user defined attributes. The definition of hierarchical watershed follows the one given in: J. Cousty, L. Najman. `Incremental algorithm for hierarchical minimum spanning forests and saliency of watershed cuts <>`_. ISMM 2011: 272-283. The algorithm used is described in: Laurent Najman, Jean Cousty, Benjamin Perret. `Playing with Kruskal: Algorithms for Morphological Trees in Edge-Weighted Graphs <>`_. ISMM 2013: 135-146. The attribute functor is a function that takes a binary partition tree and an array of altitudes as argument and returns an array with the node attribute values for the given tree. Example: Calling watershed_hierarchy_by_area is equivalent to: .. code-block:: python tree = watershed_hierarchy_by_attribute(graph, edge_weights, lambda tree, _: hg.attribute_area(tree)) :param graph: input graph :param edge_weights: edge weights of the input graph :param attribute_functor: function computing the regional attribute :param canonize_tree: if ``True`` (default), the resulting hierarchy is canonized (see function :func:`~higra.canonize_hierarchy`), otherwise the returned hierarchy is a binary tree :return: a tree (Concept :class:`~higra.CptHierarchy` is ``True`` and :class:`~higra.CptBinaryHierarchy` otherwise) and its node altitudes """ def helper_functor(tree, altitudes):, graph) return attribute_functor(tree, altitudes) tree, altitudes, mst_edge_map = hg.cpp._watershed_hierarchy_by_attribute(graph, edge_weights, helper_functor), graph) if canonize_tree: tree, altitudes = hg.canonize_hierarchy(tree, altitudes) else: mst = hg.subgraph(graph, mst_edge_map), graph, mst_edge_map), mst_edge_map, mst) return tree, altitudes
[docs]def watershed_hierarchy_by_minima_ordering(graph, edge_weights, minima_ranks, minima_altitudes=None, canonize_tree=True): """ Watershed hierarchy for the given minima ordering. The definition used follows the one given in: J. Cousty, L. Najman. `Incremental algorithm for hierarchical minimum spanning forests and saliency of watershed cuts <>`_. ISMM 2011: 272-283. and in, J. Cousty, L. Najman, B. Perret. `Constructive links between some morphological hierarchies on edge-weighted graphs <>`_.. ISMM 2013: 86-97. The algorithm used is adapted from the algorithm described in: Laurent Najman, Jean Cousty, Benjamin Perret. `Playing with Kruskal: Algorithms for Morphological Trees in Edge-Weighted Graphs <>`_. ISMM 2013: 135-146. The ranking ranking of the minima of the given edge weighted graph :math:`(G,w)` is given as vertex weights with values in :math:`\{0, \ldots, n\}` with :math:`n` the number of minima of :math:`(G,w)`. It must satisfy the following pre-conditions: - each minimum of :math:`(G,w)` contains at least one non zero vertex, - all non zero vertices in a minimum have the same weight, - there is no non zero value vertex outside minima, and - no two minima contain non zero vertices with the same weight. :attr:`minima_altitudes` is an optional non decreasing 1d array of size :math:`n + 1` with non negative values such that :math:`minima\_altitudes[i]` indicates the altitude of the minima of rank :math:`i`. Note that the first entry of the minima altitudes array, ie. the value at index 0, does not represent a minimum and its value should be 0. The altitude of a node of the computed watershed corresponds to the altitude (respectively the rank) of the minima it is associated to if :attr:`minima_altitudes` is provided (respectively not provided). :param graph: input graph :param edge_weights: edge weights of the input graph :param minima_ranks: input graph vertex weights containing the rank of each minima of the input edge weighted graph :param minima_altitudes: array mapping each minima rank to its altitude (optional) :param canonize_tree: if ``True`` (default), the resulting hierarchy is canonized (see function :func:`~higra.canonize_hierarchy`), otherwise the returned hierarchy is a binary tree :return: a tree (Concept :class:`~higra.CptHierarchy` is ``True`` and :class:`~higra.CptBinaryHierarchy` otherwise) and its node altitudes """ minima_ranks = hg.cast_to_dtype(minima_ranks, np.uint64) tree, altitudes, mst_edge_map = hg.cpp._watershed_hierarchy_by_minima_ordering(graph, edge_weights, minima_ranks), graph) if canonize_tree: tree, altitudes = hg.canonize_hierarchy(tree, altitudes) else: mst = hg.subgraph(graph, mst_edge_map), graph, mst_edge_map), mst_edge_map, mst) if minima_altitudes is not None: altitudes = minima_altitudes[altitudes] return tree, altitudes