Source code for higra.algo.bipartite_graph

# Copyright ESIEE Paris (2023)                                             #
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# Contributor(s) : Benjamin Perret                                         #
#                                                                          #
# Distributed under the terms of the CECILL-B License.                     #
#                                                                          #
# The full license is in the file LICENSE, distributed with this software. #

import higra as hg
import numpy as np

[docs]def is_bipartite_graph(graph, return_coloring=True): """ Test if a graph is bipartite and return a coloring if it is bipartite. A bipartite graph is a graph whose vertices can be divided into two disjoint and independent sets :math:`X` and :math:`Y` such that every edge connects a vertex in :math:`X` to one in :math:`Y`. If the graph is bipartite, the function returns the value ``True`` and an array of colors. For any vertex :math:`v`, :math:`color[v] == 0` if :math:`v` belongs to :math:`X` and :math:`color[v] == 1` if :math:`v` belongs to :math:`Y`. Note that the coloring is not unique, the algorithm returns any valid coloring. If the graph is not bipartite, the function returns the value ``False`` and an empty array. The input graph can either be: - an :class:`~higra.UndirectedGraph` or - a triplet of two arrays and an integer (sources, targets, num_vertices) defining all the edges of the graph and its number of vertices :Examples: Example with an undirected graph: >>> g = hg.UndirectedGraph(6) >>> g.add_edges([0, 0, 4, 2], [1, 4, 3, 3]) >>> hg.is_bipartite_graph(g) (True, array([0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0])) Example with a list of edges: >>> hg.is_bipartite_graph(([0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 1, 5], [3, 4, 3, 5, 5, 4, 4], 6)) (False, array([])) :Complexity: If the graph is provided as an undirected graph, the algorithm is implemented using a depth first search. Its runtime complexity is :math:`O(|V| + |E|)` where :math:`|V|` is the number of vertices and :math:`|E|` the number of edges of the graph. If the graph is provided as a list of edges (sources, targets, num_vertices), the algorithm is implemented using a union find approach. Its runtime complexity is :math:`O(|E|\\times \\alpha(|V|))` time, where :math:`\\alpha` is the inverse of the single-valued Ackermann function. :param graph: an undirected graph or a triplet of two arrays and an integer (sources, targets, num_vertices) :param return_coloring: if True returns a pair (is_bipartite, coloring), otherwise returns only is_bipartite where is_bipartite is a boolean and coloring is a 1D array indicating the color of each vertex :return: (is_bipartite, coloring) or is_bipartite """ if type(graph) is hg.UndirectedGraph: res, coloring = hg.cpp._is_bipartite_graph(graph) else: try: sources = graph[0] targets = graph[1] num_vertices = graph[2] res, coloring = hg.cpp._is_bipartite_graph(sources, targets, num_vertices) except Exception as e: raise TypeError("graph must be an undirected graph or a tuple (sources, targets, num_vertices)", e) if return_coloring: return res, coloring return res
[docs]def bipartite_graph_matching(graph, edge_weights): """ The bipartite graph matching problem is to find a maximum cardinality matching with minimum weight in a bipartite graph. This function returns the list of edge indices of the matching. The input graph can either be: - an :class:`~higra.UndirectedGraph` or - a triplet of two arrays and an integer (sources, targets, num_vertices) defining all the edges of the graph and its number of vertices The input graph must be a bipartite graph. Edge weights should be of integral type, otherwise they are casted to int64, a warning is emitted, and a possible loss of precision may occur. This function is implemented using the CSA library by Andrew V. Goldberg and Robert Kennedy see ` <>`_ . It is based on a push-relabel method. :Examples: Example with an undirected graph: >>> g = hg.UndirectedGraph(6) >>> g.add_edges([5, 5, 1, 1, 4, 6], [2, 3, 2, 3, 0, 0]) >>> weights = [1, 2, 2, 5, 8, 5] >>> hg.bipartite_graph_matching(g, weights) array([1, 2, 5]) Example with a list of edges: >>> hg.bipartite_graph_matching(([5, 5, 1, 1, 4, 6], [2, 3, 2, 3, 0, 0], 7), [1, 2, 2, 5, 8, 5]) array([1, 2, 5]) :param graph: an undirected graph or a triplet of two arrays and an integer (sources, targets, num_vertices), must be bipartite :param edge_weights: edge weights of the graph :return: the list of edge indices of the matching """ check, coloring = is_bipartite_graph(graph) if type(graph) is hg.UndirectedGraph: sources, targets = graph.edge_list() num_vertices = graph.num_vertices() num_edges = graph.num_edges() else: try: sources = graph[0] targets = graph[1] num_vertices = graph[2] num_edges = len(sources) if len(targets) != num_edges: raise ValueError("sources and targets must have the same length") except Exception as e: raise TypeError("graph must be an undirected graph or a tuple (sources, targets, num_vertices)", e) if len(edge_weights) != num_edges: raise ValueError("edge_weights must have the same length as the number of edges of the graph") if not check: raise ValueError("graph must be bipartite") if num_edges == 0: return np.array([], dtype=np.int64) # if edge weights dtype is floating point, emit a warning if np.issubdtype(edge_weights.dtype, np.floating): print("Warning: possible loss of precision, edge weights are casted to int64 for bipartite graph matching") edge_weights = hg.cast_to_dtype(edge_weights, np.int64) very_large_weight = np.max(edge_weights) * 1000 # check that very_large_weight is not too large if very_large_weight > 2 ** 60 - 1: raise ValueError("edge weights are too large") # sizes of left and right sets rhs_size = np.count_nonzero(coloring) lhs_size = num_vertices - rhs_size # augmented graph sizes to ensure the existence of a perfect matching # each lhs (resp rhs) vertex is duplicated in the rhs (reps lhs) part # an edge of weight very_large_weight is added between the two copies # each edge of the original graph is duplicated between the mirrored vertices with the same weight lhs_augmented_size = rhs_size + lhs_size rhs_augmented_size = rhs_size + lhs_size num_augmented_vertices = lhs_augmented_size + rhs_augmented_size augmented_edge_count = num_edges * 2 + rhs_size + lhs_size rhs_augmented_start_id = lhs_augmented_size # new vertex ids so that left vertices are first and right vertices are last new_vertex_ids = np.zeros(num_vertices, dtype=np.int64) new_vertex_ids[coloring == 0] = np.arange(lhs_size) # rhs vertices ids start at lhs_size + rhs_size to leave space for lhs vertices augmentation new_vertex_ids[coloring == 1] = np.arange(rhs_augmented_start_id, rhs_augmented_start_id + rhs_size) augmented_sources = np.zeros(augmented_edge_count, dtype=np.int64) augmented_targets = np.zeros(augmented_edge_count, dtype=np.int64) augmented_weights = np.zeros(augmented_edge_count, dtype=edge_weights.dtype) new_sources = new_vertex_ids[sources] new_targets = new_vertex_ids[targets] new_sources_ids = np.minimum(new_sources, new_targets) new_targets_ids = np.maximum(new_sources, new_targets) augmented_sources[:num_edges] = new_sources_ids augmented_targets[:num_edges] = new_targets_ids augmented_weights[:num_edges] = edge_weights # add edges from lhs vertices to rhs vertices with very large weight augmented_sources[num_edges:num_edges + lhs_size] = np.arange(lhs_size) augmented_targets[num_edges:num_edges + lhs_size] = np.arange(rhs_augmented_start_id + rhs_size, rhs_augmented_start_id + rhs_size + lhs_size) augmented_weights[num_edges:num_edges + lhs_size] = very_large_weight # add edges from rhs vertices to lhs vertices with very large weight augmented_sources[num_edges + lhs_size:num_edges + lhs_size + rhs_size] = np.arange(lhs_size, lhs_size + rhs_size) augmented_targets[num_edges + lhs_size:num_edges + lhs_size + rhs_size] = np.arange(lhs_augmented_size, lhs_augmented_size + rhs_size) augmented_weights[num_edges + lhs_size:num_edges + lhs_size + rhs_size] = very_large_weight # add duplicate of original edges between original lhs and rhs mirrors augmented_sources[num_edges + lhs_size + rhs_size:num_edges + lhs_size + rhs_size + num_edges] = new_targets_ids - lhs_augmented_size + lhs_size augmented_targets[num_edges + lhs_size + rhs_size:num_edges + lhs_size + rhs_size + num_edges] = new_sources_ids + lhs_augmented_size + rhs_size augmented_weights[num_edges + lhs_size + rhs_size:num_edges + lhs_size + rhs_size + num_edges] = edge_weights matched_edges = hg.cpp._bipartite_graph_matching(augmented_sources, augmented_targets, num_augmented_vertices, augmented_weights) matched_edges = matched_edges[matched_edges < num_edges] return matched_edges