# Copyright ESIEE Paris (2018) #
# #
# Contributor(s) : Benjamin Perret #
# #
# Distributed under the terms of the CECILL-B License. #
# #
# The full license is in the file LICENSE, distributed with this software. #
import higra as hg
import numpy as np
def binary_partition_tree_complete_linkage(graph, edge_weights):
Binary partition tree with complete linkage distance.
Given a graph :math:`G=(V, E)`, with initial edge weights :math:`w`,
the distance :math:`d(X,Y)` between any two clusters :math:`X` and :math:`Y` is
.. math::
d(X,Y) = \max \{w(\{x,y\}) | x \in X, y \in Y, \{x,y\} \in E \}
Regions are then iteratively merged following the above distance (closest first) until a single region remains
:param graph: input graph
:param edge_weights: edge weights of the input graph
:return: a tree (Concept :class:`~higra.CptHierarchy`) and its node altitudes
tree, altitudes = hg.cpp._binary_partition_tree_complete_linkage(graph, edge_weights)
hg.CptHierarchy.link(tree, graph)
return tree, altitudes
def binary_partition_tree_average_linkage(graph, edge_weights, edge_weight_weights=None):
Binary partition tree with average linkage distance.
Given a graph :math:`G=(V, E)`, with initial edge weights :math:`w` with associated weights :math:`w_2`,
the distance :math:`d(X,Y)` between any two clusters :math:`X` and :math:`Y` is
.. math::
d(X,Y) = \\frac{1}{Z} \sum_{x \in X, y \in Y, \{x,y\} \in E} w(\{x,y\}) \\times w_2(\{x,y\})
with :math:`Z = \sum_{x \in X, y \in Y, \{x,y\} \in E} w_2({x,y})`.
:param graph: input graph
:param edge_weights: edge weights of the input graph
:param edge_weight_weights: weighting of edge weights of the input graph (default to an array of ones)
:return: a tree (Concept :class:`~higra.CptHierarchy`) and its node altitudes
if edge_weight_weights is None:
edge_weight_weights = np.ones_like(edge_weights)
edge_weights, edge_weight_weights = hg.cast_to_common_type(edge_weights, edge_weight_weights)
tree, altitudes = hg.cpp._binary_partition_tree_average_linkage(graph, edge_weights, edge_weight_weights)
hg.CptHierarchy.link(tree, graph)
return tree, altitudes
def binary_partition_tree_exponential_linkage(graph, edge_weights, alpha, edge_weight_weights=None):
Binary partition tree with exponential linkage distance.
Given a graph :math:`G=(V, E)`, with initial edge weights :math:`w` with associated weights :math:`w_2`,
the distance :math:`d(X,Y)` between any two clusters :math:`X` and :math:`Y` is
.. math::
d(X,Y) = \\frac{1}{Z} \sum_{x \in X, y \in Y, \{x,y\} in E} w_2(\{x,y\}) \\times \exp(\\alpha * w(\{x,y\})) \\times w(\{x,y\})
with :math:`Z = \sum_{x \in X, y \in Y, \{x,y\} \in E} w_2(\{x,y\}) \\times \exp(\\alpha * w(\{x,y\}))`.
Nishant Yadav, Ari Kobren, Nicholas Monath, Andrew Mccallum.
`Supervised Hierarchical Clustering with Exponential Linkage <http://proceedings.mlr.press/v97/yadav19a.html>`_
Proceedings of the 36th International Conference on Machine Learning, PMLR 97:6973-6983, 2019.
:param graph: input graph
:param edge_weights: edge weights of the input graph
:param alpha: exponential parameter
:param edge_weight_weights: weighting of edge weights of the input graph (default to an array of ones)
:return: a tree (Concept :class:`~higra.CptHierarchy`) and its node altitudes
alpha = float(alpha)
if edge_weight_weights is None:
edge_weight_weights = np.ones_like(edge_weights)
edge_weights, edge_weight_weights = hg.cast_to_common_type(edge_weights, edge_weight_weights)
# special cases: improve efficiency and avoid numerical issues
if alpha == 0:
tree, altitudes = hg.binary_partition_tree_average_linkage(graph, edge_weights, edge_weight_weights)
elif alpha == float('-inf'):
tree, altitudes = hg.binary_partition_tree_single_linkage(graph, edge_weights)
elif alpha == float('inf'):
tree, altitudes = hg.binary_partition_tree_complete_linkage(graph, edge_weights)
tree, altitudes = hg.cpp._binary_partition_tree_exponential_linkage(graph, edge_weights, alpha, edge_weight_weights)
hg.CptHierarchy.link(tree, graph)
return tree, altitudes
def binary_partition_tree_single_linkage(graph, edge_weights):
Alias for :func:`~higra.bpt_canonical`.
Given a graph :math:`G=(V, E)`, with initial edge weights :math:`w`,
the distance :math:`d(X,Y)` between any two clusters :math:`X` and :math:`Y` is
.. math::
d(X,Y) = \min \{w(\{x,y\}) | x \in X, y \in Y, \{x,y\} \in E \}
Regions are then iteratively merged following the above distance (closest first) until a single region remains.
:param edge_weights: edge weights of the input graph (Concept :class:`~higra.CptEdgeWeightedGraph`)
:param graph: input graph (deduced from :class:`~higra.CptEdgeWeightedGraph`)
:return: a tree (Concept :class:`~higra.CptHierarchy`) and its node altitudes (Concept :class:`~higra.CptValuedHierarchy`)
return hg.bpt_canonical(graph, edge_weights)
def binary_partition_tree_ward_linkage(graph, vertex_centroids, vertex_sizes=None, altitude_correction="max"):
Binary partition tree with the Ward linkage rule.
Given a graph :math:`G=(V, E)`, with initial edge weights :math:`w` with associated weights :math:`w'`,
the distance :math:`d(X,Y)` between any two clusters :math:`X` and :math:`Y` is
.. math::
d(X,Y) = \\frac{| X |\\times| Y |}{| X |+| Y |} \| \\vec{X} - \\vec{Y} \|^2
where :math:`\\vec{X}` and :math:`\\vec{Y}` are the centroids of :math:`X` and :math:`Y`.
Regions are then iteratively merged following the above distance (closest first) until a single region remains
Note that the Ward distance is not necessarily strictly increasing when processing a non complete graph.
This can be corrected afterward with an altitude correction strategy. Valid values for ``altitude correction`` are:
- ``"none"``: nothing is done and the altitude of a node is equal to the Ward distance between its 2 children;
this may not be non-decreasing
- ``"max"``: the altitude of a node :math:`n` is defined as the maximum of the the Ward distance associated
to each node in the subtree rooted in :math:`n`.
:param graph: input graph
:param vertex_centroids: Centroids of the graph vertices (must be a 2d array)
:param vertex_sizes: Size (number of elements) of the graph vertices (default to an array of ones)
:param altitude_correction: can be ``"none"`` or ``"max"`` (default)
:return: a tree (Concept :class:`~higra.CptHierarchy`) and its node altitudes
if vertex_sizes is None:
vertex_sizes = np.ones((graph.num_vertices(),), dtype=vertex_centroids.dtype)
vertex_centroids, vertex_sizes = hg.cast_to_common_type(vertex_centroids, vertex_sizes)
tree, altitudes = hg.cpp._binary_partition_tree_ward_linkage(graph, vertex_centroids, vertex_sizes, altitude_correction)
hg.CptHierarchy.link(tree, graph)
return tree, altitudes
def binary_partition_tree(graph, weight_function, edge_weights):
Binary partition tree of the graph with a user provided cluster distance.
At each step:
1. the algorithm finds the edge of smallest weight;
2. the two vertices linked by this edge are merged: the new vertex is the parent of the two merged vertices and its
altitude is equal to the weight of the fusion edge;
3. the weight of the edges linking the new vertex to the remaining vertices of the graph are updated according to
the user provided function (:attr:`weight_function`);
4. repeat until a single vertex remains
The initial weight of the edges (:attr:`edge_weights`) and the callback (:attr:`weight_function`) determine the
shape of the hierarchy. Note that the altitudes of the constructed hierarchy are not necessarily increasing;
if needed this can be enforced as a post processing with the function :func:`~higra.tree_monotonic_regression`.
Classical linkage functions are already implemented:
- single/min linkage :func:`~higra.binary_partition_tree_single_linkage`
- complete/max linkage :func:`~binary_partition_tree_complete_linkage`
- average linkage :func:`~binary_partition_tree_average_linkage`
- Ward linkage :func:`~binary_partition_tree_ward_linkage`.
Those functions are implemented in c++ and should be faster than a user defined weighting function written in Python.
:Weight function:
The :attr:`weight_function` callback can be anything defining the operator ``()`` and should follow the
following pattern:
.. code-block:: python
def weight_function(graph, # the current state of the graph
fusion_edge_index, # the edge between the two vertices being merged
new_region, # the new vertex in the graph
merged_region1, # the first vertex merged
merged_region2, # the second vertex merged
new_neighbours): # list of edges to be weighted (see below)
for n in new_neighbours:
n.set_new_edge_weight(new_edge_value) # define the weight of this edge
Each element in the parameter ``new_neighbours`` represent an edge between the new vertex and another vertex of
the graph. For each element of the list, the following methods are available:
- ``neighbour_vertex()``: the other vertex
- ``num_edges()``: returns 2 if both the two merged vertices had an edge linking themselves with ``neighbour_vertex()`` and 1 otherwise
- ``first_edge_index()``: the index of the edge linking one of the merged region to ``neighbour_vertex()``
- ``second_edge_index()``: the index of the edge linking the other merged region to ``neighbour_vertex()`` (only if ``num_edges()==2``)
- ``set_new_edge_weight(value)``: weight of the new edge. **This has to be defined in the weighting function**.
- ``new_edge_index()``: the index of the new edge as the weighting function will probably have to track new weight values
The following example shows how to define a weighting function for average linkage assuming that:
- ``edge_weights`` is an array containing the weight of each edge, and
- ``edge_counts`` is an array containing the number of edges present between two clusters: initially 1 for each edge but
this will increase when clusters are merged.
When a merge happens, there are two possibilities. Consider that we have three clusters :math:`A`, :math:`B`, and :math:`C` and
we are merging :math:`A` and :math:`B` to obtain the new cluster :math:`D`.
- If there is an edge of weight :math:`w_{AC}` and multiplicity :math:`c_{AC}` between :math:`A` and :math:`C` but
there is no edge between :math:`B` and :math:`C`. Then, the new graph will contain an edge between :math:`D` and :math:`C`
such that :math:`w_{DC}=w_{AC}` and :math:`c_{DC}=c_{AC}`. (The situation is similar if the edge were between
:math:`B` and :math:`C`).
- If there is an edge between :math:`A` and :math:`C` and between :math:`B` and :math:`C`. Then, the new graph will
contain an edge between :math:`D` and :math:`C` such that :math:`w_{DC} = \\frac{w_{AC}*c_{AC} + w_{BC}*c_{BC}}{c_{AC} + c_{BC}}`
and :math:`c_{DC}=c_{AC} + c_{BC}`.
.. code-block:: python
def weighting_function_average_linkage(graph, fusion_edge_index, new_region, merged_region1, merged_region2, new_neighbours):
for n in new_neighbours:
if n.num_edges() > 1:
new_count = edge_counts[n.first_edge_index()] + edge_counts[n.second_edge_index()]
new_weight = (edge_weights[n.first_edge_index()] * edge_counts[n.first_edge_index()] \\
+ edge_weights[n.second_edge_index()] * edge_counts[n.second_edge_index()]) \\
/ new_weight
new_count = edge_counts[n.first_edge_index()]
new_weight = edge_weights[n.first_edge_index()]
edge_weights[n.new_edge_index()] = new_weight
edge_counts[n.new_edge_index()] = new_count
The worst case time complexity is in :math:`\mathcal{O}(n^2\log(n))` with :math:`n` the number of vertices in the graph.
The runtime complexity on a sparse graph with well structured data (far different from noise) can be much better in practice.
.. warning::
This function uses a Python callback (the :attr:`weight_function`) that is called frequently by the algorithm:
performances will be far from optimal. Please consider a C++ implementation if it is too slow (see this
`helper project <https://github.com/higra/Higra-cppextension-cookiecutter>`_ ).
:param graph: input graph
:param weight_function: see detailed description above
:param edge_weights: edge weights of the input graph
:return: a tree (Concept :class:`~higra.CptHierarchy`) and its node altitudes
tree, altitudes = hg.cpp._binary_partition_tree(graph, edge_weights, weight_function)
hg.CptHierarchy.link(tree, graph)
return tree, altitudes